

The ADHD Rituals Library 

The done-for-you morning and evening ritual routine made for ADHD moms by ADHD moms.

I need this in my life.

Let us guess...

Your mornings are pure chaos. The kids need you, your brain is running a mile a minute, and you’re already behind before the day even starts.


Your mind’s full of ideas, but you can't do anything with them. You’re juggling everything—passion projects, household stuff, motherhood, oh, and maybe even a JOB —and yet nothing ever feels finished.


By evening, you’re exhausted, but your brain won’t turn off. Instead of winding down, you’re scrolling through your phone, feeling guilty that you’re not doing more for your kids, or yourself. You stay up late AGAIN because you're just so happy to have some alone time.


You’ve tried getting "organized." Yet somehow, that 17th planner was still not the solution. Either was that app or that system that helps you organize your things in rainbow order. Even the solutions that other moms swear by just don't work for you. 


You second-guess yourself constantly. Everyone else seems to have it together, but no matter what you try, you just keep dropping balls. 

We get it. Because we've been there.

Created for ADHD moms by ADHD moms.

We are Stace and Steph.

Two ADHD Moms who once felt just like you—overwhelmed, exhausted, and wondering why life as a mother felt so much harder than it seemed for everyone else.

In case you haven't heard, ADHD looks different in girls and women than it does in men. Stace & Steph weren't like those hyperactive ADD boys we all remember (the ones who constantly interrupted the class, and couldn't sit still in their seats).

In fact, they were "good girls." GREAT students. Top of their class – both of them. 

The problem was, they had the same untamed energy that those little ADD boys had in school. But instead of letting it out for the world to see, they stuffed all of their insecurities and anxiety deep down inside.

They thought they had everybody fooled. But then, they became moms. Their hormones changed. The responsibilities piled up. And they went off the rails. 

They felt like they were always failing.

It wasn't until years later that they got their ADHD diagnoses, and everything changed.

Once they understood WHY they were struggling so much, they knew that they couldn't do what "everybody else" was doing. They had to do something different. 

Something that worked WITH their brains rather than against them. Something that grounded them and brought them back to their bodies. Something that reminded them that they weren't failures. They were actually pretty remarkable. 

Their ADHD diagnosis was a turning point. It wasn’t a label—it was an answer. 

They began building new habits, new rituals, and a new way of living that made space for their ADHD instead of fighting it.

Now, they’ve found a way to live with more calm, clarity, and confidence. And they’re here to help you do the same.


Every element of this library was made for ease and interest:

Let us paint you a picture..


You wake up every morning calm yet excited to start your day. You make your way downstairs to start the highlight of your day – your morning ritual that actually helps you feel grounded—no more rushing or running on fumes. 


You tap into your ADHD superpowers. You finally tune back into your creativity and energy to flow through the day instead of feeling scattered. Maybe you even have a new passion project in the works…


You end the day feeling accomplished, knowing you took small, meaningful steps without burning out.


You spend a small part of your evening with your journal and a candle, getting back in touch with yourself and mentally preparing for the next day.

You could finally be present with your kids, not distracted or overwhelmed by everything on your plate.


You look in the mirror and LOVE the woman staring back at you.  You are confident. You are in your power. You are back.

Start working with your brain.

This course isn’t just about routines—it’s about you, finding more ease, clarity, and confidence in your daily life.

Take Me There!

Stephanie and Stacey get me...

"Stephanie and Stacey are here in this mess with me, they get me, and they make me feel seen as an ADHD mom (i.e. someone who appears successful to outsiders but often feels like I'm barely holding things together and relying on my partner for so many details.) I always learn something I can actually use in my daily life from the Mother Plus podcast."

- Pam Moore


You are capable of finding your peace, of being centered yet powerful. We've figured out how. Now you just need to join us.



This is a one-time payment. And it will never be this low again.

  • A done-for-you, totally doable system to structure your morning and evening rituals to bookend your day (made specifically for the ADHD Mom's Brain)
  • A continually growing library of resources, including:
  • Instructional videos teaching you how to incorporate a morning and evening ritual
  • "Repeat after me" EFT videos to work through common ADHD struggles
  • Audio library with dozens of meditation recordings for morning and evening rituals
  • Journal prompts and scripts for visualization, organization, manifestation, deepening self-awareness and healing/release
  • Checklists for daily preparation and evaluation
  • Founding members receive access to the course on December 4th -- one month before the official launch.

Alright, Stace & Steph, walk me through this. How's this going to look?

  • You're going to login to the Centered platform and watch the instructional videos on how to create your morning and/or evening routine.

  • You'll set up your "stations" for your morning and/or evening rituals.

  • Once everything is prepared, you're ready to go. Every morning or evening, you login to your Centered account and you follow the routine using the curated library.

  • When you want to feel connected to other ADHD Moms -- weigh in, share your wins and your struggles, you check in with our Private Facebook group, the ADHD Moms Club.

  • These are just the logistics. Once you get in a groove, your daily rituals will feel more natural, and you'll experience the ripples in your home, relationships, and productivity.

We're giving you permission to change your day.

I can't say no.

"I’ve listened to a million ADHD podcast but this is the one where I feel most seen, and where I get the most take aways. It’s so good I listen to each episode twice!"

- Elen Roberts



"Omg I’ve never felt SO seen! I cried listening to the decluttering podcast. When you said “I’m sitting in garbage” when referring to your car it was like my long lost tribe has finally been found. I’ve been needing this community for sooooo long."

- Lauren

"The podcast is so so helpful and relatable and validating. So validating to know I’m not alone and to hear other people who have similar struggles and super powers."

- Britany

"Listening to the podcast, I found myself identifying a lot with what Stace and Steph said, and I like the positive lens they use to view ADHD. Sure, our brains may work differently, but in many cases that’s precisely why we can be so successful- if we can work with our specific brain wiring instead of against it. From the podcast and the club I have already learned a few more ways to do this and I’m feeling empowered to continue to embrace my ADHD strengths."

- Toini Morgan


I've tried everything. I've tried planners. I've tried meditation. I've tried organization courses and apps. They don't work because I don't stick with them.

I don't need one more thing to feel bad about not doing. 

We get it. We really do. 

That's why we made this course as done-for-you and doable as possible. 

But most importantly, we made if INTERESTING.

Because if you aren't interested, you aren't going to do it.

But when you do the ritual, just once, you will get that dopamine hit. Because you're focusing on an old passion:

You get to immerse yourself in YOU for 15 - 30 minutes every damn day.

And once you get a taste. You won't want to stop.

You'll see the changes happen in yourself. 

And you will keep going. Because you cannot get enough of this version of you.