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Hey friend, 

Feel like you're always one step behind? Like you never got the memo? Like you can't believe you're the "adult" in the room.

We get it, because we’re ADHD moms too.


Does this sound familiar?

Mornings are pure chaos—kids need you, your brain is racing, and you're behind before the day even starts.


You’re juggling motherhood, projects, a job—and yet, nothing ever feels truly done.


By evening, you're exhausted, but your brain won’t turn off. You scroll your phone, feel guilty, and stay up late—again.


You’ve tried all the organizing tools, but none of them work for you. Other moms swear by them, but they don’t fit your brain.


We get it, because we’ve been there. There’s a way to feel calm in the chaos—and we’re here to show you how.




Tell us about yourself


Tell us where you are and why you're struggling with ADHD in your motherhood. What kind of help do you need? Answer these questions and we will answer yours, either directly or on the podcast. 
Take the survey


Listen to the podcast


Find out everything you possibly can about your ADHD brain and how it applies to motherhood. Our goal: If you can understand your brain, you can start working with it rather than against it, and start FINALLY enjoying your motherhood.


Listen now


Get Centered: The ADHD Rituals Library


The done-for-you morning and evening ritual routine made for ADHD moms by ADHD moms.


I'm IN

Who are these women?


As much as they love their children, they both cringe at the thought of crouching on the floor to play doctor or dolls. They would much rather be writing or singing or creating something incredible. Stacey and Stephanie are the definition of mother plussers...


More about us

"Omg I’ve never felt SO seen! I cried listening to the decluttering podcast. When you said “I’m sitting in garbage” when referring to your car it was like my long lost tribe has finally been found. I’ve been needing this community for sooooo long."

